
  • Sample I: Features layouts
    • Funds Protection

      Morbi rhoncus dolor id sapien feugiat vehicula in non mi vitae suspendisse elit.

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    [pb_feature component_description="Layout 100%" category="category-4" layout="100" icon_size="medium" icon_position="top" limit="1" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
    • Experienced

      Our team has more than 25 years experience with online and “offline” projects

    • Locally present

      We are based in Scotland/UK and have a local office in Germany

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    [pb_feature component_description="Layout 50x50%" category="category-2" layout="50x50" icon_size="medium" icon_position="top" limit="2" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
    • Qualified Recipients

      Our in-house call centre updates our database constantly. Permission-based email marketing is our paramount.

    • Personalised campaigns

      We are happy to personalise your campaigns at no extra cost.

    • Optimised and tested compatibility

      We optimise and test your campaigns on over 35 different clients, popular email Systems and browsers for compatibility

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    [pb_feature component_description="Layout 33x33x33%" category="category-3" layout="33x33x33" icon_size="medium" icon_position="top" limit="3" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
    • Simple and effective

      We offer far-reaching mailing lists for effective campaigns for maximised conversion and return on investment in your email marketing activities

    • Transparent and fair

      Fair pricing and transparent service with reporting (opening rates / link tracking)

    • Dedicated account manager

      Your have a dedicated account manager who has the responsibility for the delivery of your email marketing campaign on time and to budget

    • Quick and flexible

      Our short lead times make special offers and promotions possible at short notice.

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    [pb_feature component_description="Layout 25x25x25x25x25%" category="category-4" layout="25x25x25x25" icon_size="medium" icon_position="top" limit="4" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"]
  • Sample II: Features icon sizes
    • Simple and effective

      We offer far-reaching mailing lists for effective campaigns for maximised conversion and return on investment in your email marketing activities

    • Transparent and fair

      Fair pricing and transparent service with reporting (opening rates / link tracking)

    – Hide code+ Show code

    [pb_feature component_description="Icon size: large" category="category-1" layout="50x50" icon_size="large" icon_position="top" limit="2" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
    • Qualified Recipients

      Our in-house call centre updates our database constantly. Permission-based email marketing is our paramount.

    • Personalised campaigns

      We are happy to personalise your campaigns at no extra cost.

    • Optimised and tested compatibility

      We optimise and test your campaigns on over 35 different clients, popular email Systems and browsers for compatibility

    – Hide code+ Show code

    [pb_feature component_description="Icon size: medium" category="category-2" layout="33x33x33" icon_size="medium" icon_position="top" limit="3" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
    • Experienced

      Our team has more than 25 years experience with online and “offline” projects

    • Locally present

      We are based in Scotland/UK and have a local office in Germany

    • We are multilingual

      Our team members speak English, German and Spanish

    • Advanced Tools

      We use advanced tools and software for monitoring progress, collaborating with teams and analyzing performance

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    [pb_feature component_description="Icon size: small" category="category-3" layout="25x25x25x25" icon_size="small" icon_position="top" limit="4" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
  • Sample III: Features icon positions
    • Simple and effective

      We offer far-reaching mailing lists for effective campaigns for maximised conversion and return on investment in your email marketing activities

    • Transparent and fair

      Fair pricing and transparent service with reporting (opening rates / link tracking)

    – Hide code+ Show code

    [pb_feature component_description="Icon position: top" category="category-1" layout="50x50" icon_size="medium" icon_position="top" limit="2" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
    • Qualified Recipients

      Our in-house call centre updates our database constantly. Permission-based email marketing is our paramount.

    • Personalised campaigns

      We are happy to personalise your campaigns at no extra cost.

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    [pb_feature component_description="Icon position: right" category="category-2" layout="50x50" icon_size="medium" icon_position="right" limit="2" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"]
    • Experienced

      Our team has more than 25 years experience with online and “offline” projects

    • Locally present

      We are based in Scotland/UK and have a local office in Germany

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    [pb_feature component_description="Icon position: bottom" category="category-3" layout="50x50" icon_size="medium" icon_position="bottom" limit="2" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
    • Funds Protection

      Morbi rhoncus dolor id sapien feugiat vehicula in non mi vitae suspendisse elit.

    • Personal Adviser

      Nunc nec felis, feugiat pellente velit a eleifend dui nullam faci proin congue lacus.

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    [pb_feature component_description="Icon position: left" category="category-4" layout="50x50" icon_size="medium" icon_position="left" limit="2" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
  • Sample IV: Features carousel
    • Simple and effective

      We offer far-reaching mailing lists for effective campaigns for maximised conversion and return on investment in your email marketing activities

    • Transparent and fair

      Fair pricing and transparent service with reporting (opening rates / link tracking)

    • Dedicated account manager

      Your have a dedicated account manager who has the responsibility for the delivery of your email marketing campaign on time and to budget

    • Quick and flexible

      Our short lead times make special offers and promotions possible at short notice.

    – Hide code+ Show code

    [pb_feature category="category-1" layout="100" icon_size="large" icon_position="top" carousel_enable="1" carousel_autoplay_enable="0" carousel_circular_enable="1" carousel_infinite_enable="1" carousel_scroll_pause_hover="1" carousel_scroll_fx="scroll" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]
    • Qualified Recipients

      Our in-house call centre updates our database constantly. Permission-based email marketing is our paramount.

    • Personalised campaigns

      We are happy to personalise your campaigns at no extra cost.

    • Optimised and tested compatibility

      We optimise and test your campaigns on over 35 different clients, popular email Systems and browsers for compatibility

    • Flexible planning

      We offer time slots for e-shot at any time you require

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    [pb_feature category="category-2" layout="100" icon_size="large" icon_position="top" carousel_enable="1" carousel_autoplay_enable="1" carousel_circular_enable="1" carousel_infinite_enable="1" carousel_scroll_pause_hover="1" carousel_scroll_easing="easeInQuad" animation_type="none" animation_icon_opacity_start="10"][/pb_feature]